Welcome to Seeking Grace and Truth.
I will introduce myself. My name is Dennis St. John. I am a father and grandfather. I am a minister in a Dunkard Brethren Church congregation. I have a keen interest in the church from the perspectives of the past, the present and the future.
I believe that there is a rising generation in the Anabaptist/Pietistic/Brethren traditions that is struggling, at times, to come to grips with how a thriving New Testament church should function in the 21st century. Actually, it is not just youth who are seeking answers. In reality, many seasoned saints are looking to the Scriptures for guiding wisdom and truth as well.
There are many voices in the Christian world. When individuals become discouraged with their particular church experience they become susceptible to losing their spiritual footing. Mere reaction to disappointing situations can end in spiritual shipwreck for both the individual as well as his family.
I am encouraged to witness across the Christian landscape numerous individuals who are sincerely seeking answers and are sharing their thoughts. My desire with this blog site is to present a forum for those with a burden for the future of the Anabaptist/Pietistic/Brethren churches to be able to ask their sincere questions and to share their convictions and observations.
I am entering waters I know little about. I am new to blogging. I am sure I will stumble for a while in this journey. I have some misgivings. The time required for a project like this is daunting. I will start slow and simple and wait to see where God will take this venture.
I look forward to your participation along the way!
And the Word was made flesh,and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. John 1:14, 17
Blessings to you.
Dennis St. John